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tears are the best story teller, but unfortunately you're not a tear, you're a blog! so i can write anything on you and everybody know hows my life goin. HEY do you want to know more about me or want to know my daily activity, just go to this site and you will find everything, actually my daily activity, from a 'til z, from 0 'til 9 hahaha enjoy my site and if you have any comment or advice please leave it, i will read it gladly


lanjutan quotes about friend kemaren ya :)
Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

Sometimes i want to shout to the whole world how lucky i am to have you as my friend but sometimes i want to hush...afraid that somebody might take you away from me.

Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit.

Friendships are an important part of life to all of us. We make friends, go through good times and bad, but yet stay friends for life. Friends are what make us "us"

Friends that watch your back
,friends that play with your heart. All act the same from the start.Before you know it some disappear. Others stay beside you for life. Those are the friends. The best friends.

writtern @02.54

quotes about friend :)
Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010

People never know how special someone is until they leave, but maybe sometimes its important to leave, so they are given that chance to see how special that someone really is!

Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, but the strings will last forever.

And I'm still here, waiting here, to catch you if you fall. I don't know why I care so much when I shouldn't care at all.

If I had one wish this is what it would be, I'd ask you to spend all your time with me, we'd be together forever.

Every time you cross my mind, I think how lucky I've been, to have you as my special friend.

this is a quote made by me :

best friend, is the biggest gift that God already give for us. they are our shadow, and we are their shadow, we will always in their heart, and our bff will always in our heart :) and it will last forever

writtern @00.04

Nyampe di Rumah :)
Selasa, 05 Januari 2010

yes ! akhirnya nyampe juga dirumah sekitar pukul 01:09 :D
waaa,begitu nyampe disini bukan banutin orangtua malah bantuin kelinci :P kelincinya perlu bantuin untuk dikasih makan muahahahaha :))
yaa tapi orangtua sadar dan segera menegur *cieile*
aku berangkat dari mataram sekitar jam 7 malam, dan dari mataram ke khayangan membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1 jam 30 menit, lalu saat di untuk menyebrang dibutuhkan waktu sekitar 2 jam , dan perjalanan dari POTOTANO ke TOWNSITE membutuhkan waktu sekitar 3 jam atau kurang atau lebih :P aku gatau pastinya sih hehe
yaudah ya segitu dulu, ud mau go to bed nih hehehe
buh bye :)

writtern @10.31

Jumat, 01 Januari 2010

halo halo semuanya :) aku aku aku aku aku
kangeeeeeeeeen bgt sama semuanya :) apalagi temen temenku yg ada di tonset (townsite)
skg aku masih liburan hehe tanggal 2 sore hari aku cabut mau ke bali, di bali satu haru doang (mummpung akhir taun hehe byk yg sale nih toko :P tapi sbrnnya ini bukan ideku, ini idenya *mama*)
di bali rencananya mau ke kuta square dan blablabla, saya tdk tau mau kmn aja, terserah sang juragan belanja aja :D :D
nah abis itu melanjutkan perjalanan ke mataram, setelah ke mataram aku ke sumbawa YEY nunggu beberapa hari lagi aku masuk sekolah :) ga sabar liat muka temen temen :P

dan HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 !! hope in this year we can be better and be he best one :)

writtern @16.42

selamat hari ibu :)
Senin, 21 Desember 2009

hei tementemen, skg tanggal brp ya ? oo skg kan tanggal 22 desember :)
ada hari besar ga skg ? ehm. eh ada! skg kan hari ibu :)
waah udh pada nguccapin belum ? aku udh dong :P
anak rajin muehehehehehe
tapi belum ngasih sesuatu nih -,- kapan ya mau dikasih
eh nanti aja deh sekalian heehehe
yaudah deh sekian dulu ye .

writtern @17.41

aaaah !

halo tementemen :)
aduh aku udh nyampe dgn selamat hehe
tapi ada satu masalah nih yang lumayan gede juga masalahnya
AKU KANGEN TOWNSITE ! pingin balik deh rasanya
temantemaan ? bagaimana dengan kalian disana ?
apakah baik baik aja ? :((

writtern @04.53

pamitan :)
Minggu, 20 Desember 2009

temen temen, mungkin besok aku gabisa nulis blog lagi ehe
sampe dua minggu kedepan
hoaaa blog ku :(( kamu ga akan kena coret lagi selama 2 minggu

sekarang . aku cuma mau blg
"good bye tementemen :) nikmati liburan kalian" hehe

writtern @03.44